What is the vision-mission of UC Libraries?

Where will I contact the library?

Feel free to ask for assistance or inquire about library services, resources and policies through the UC Libraries’ contact details:

What are the references (books, journals) that I can borrow in the library?

Explore the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) to check the available references in the library.
OPAC link https://opac.uc-bcf.edu.ph

How to find books?

Watch video on How to Search in the OPAC

How do I borrow a book?

Borrowing at 5F BRS

After deciding on the book you want to borrow, here are the steps on how to check out the book:

  1. Proceed to the check out counter.
  2. Hand over the book and your ID card to the library personnel.
  3. Claim the book, ID card, and the circulation receipt after the book has been checked out.

Borrowing at 5F Main, 5F EDS, 6F BRS and Legarda

  1. Present the call slip to the library personnel at the circulation counter for them to locate the book.
  2. Hand over your ID card to the library personnel.
  3. Claim the book, ID card, and the circulation receipt after the book has been checked out.

Note: Library patrons may request the renewal of borrowed library materials.

What shall I present when I borrow a book?

Valid UC ID card

How many books can I borrow, and for how many days can I borrow them?

How do I borrow a thesis/ dissertation?

Visit the Theses and Dissertations Library located at the 5F EDS Building and fill out the call slip. Present your UC ID card.
Note: Theses and dissertations are for room use only.

Can I borrow laptop, HDMI, HDMI adapter, MMP, and extension cord?

Yes, subject to its availability. Visit the Media Center located at the 5F BRS Building.

How can I return borrowed books?

Patrons may return borrowed library materials to the library personnel at the Circulation Desk where they borrowed the library material during library hours.

For further help, you may contact us:
Email address: libraries@uc-bcf.edu.ph

Can I renew/extend the due date of borrowed books?

Patrons may request for the renewal of a borrowed book, provided that the book is not requested by another patron or if there are other available copies.

You may request through the following library contact information:
Email address: libraries@uc-bcf.edu.ph

Confirmation of due date will be sent via UC Outlook email or SMS.

What will I do if I lost/ damaged the library material/ equipment that I borrowed?

1. Inform the library personnel on the lost/damaged library material/equipment.

2. It shall be the accountability of the borrower to replace the lost/damaged library material/equipment, whether intentional or accidental.

3. The following options shall be applied:

3.1. For Books, Periodicals, and AV Materials:
a. Replacement with the same or updated material.
b. In case the same or updated material is not available, the borrower pays the current price/ subscription rate of the item.
c. Replacement of the library material related to the topic/subject of the lost item and with the same or updated copyright year.

3.2. For accompanying audio-visual materials of books:
a. Replacement with the same material.
b. In case the same material is not available, replacement may be any audio-visual material related to the topic/subject of the lost item and with the same or updated copyright year.

3.3. For equipment:
The Logistics Management Office (LMO) policies on lost/damaged equipment shall apply.

3.4. For Researches (Undergraduate Research Paper, Thesis, Dissertation, Institutional Research Paper):
a. Replacement with the same material.
b. In case the same material is not available, replace with a research book or in demand book related to the research topic.

For option b, consider the following:
If graduate research:
1 research paper = 1 book

If undergraduate research:
1-2 researches = 1 book
3-4 researches = 2 books
5-6 researches = 3 books

How much would be the fine of an overdue book?

Book returned after its due date is subject to the following overdue fine:

a. Book with 12 hours loan period: Php 20.00 per day, per item plus Php 50.00 penalty

b. Book with 2, 7, and 31 days loan period; Php 20.00 per day, per item

Note: Non-class day is excluded in the computation of overdue fine.

What happens if I do not return the book on its due date?

Book returned after its due date is subject to the following overdue fine:

a. Book with 12 hours loan period: Php 20.00 per day, per item plus Php 50.00 penalty

b. Book with 2, 7, and 31 days loan period; Php 20.00 per day, per item

Note: Non-class day is excluded in the computation of overdue fine.

Where do I check library announcements?

Get the latest updates on library advisories, events, services, resources, and policies from library bulletin boards and online platforms (Outlook email, Canvas and Web OPAC).

What are the latest library updates?

Get the latest updates on library advisories, events, services, resources, and policies from library bulletin boards and online platforms (Outlook email, Canvas and Web OPAC).